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The Tree of Aharon
Elisheva Welcher, Sarah Wiederkehr,
Chana Lapp, Shayna Hoch

Our project, The Tree of Aharon, represents peace and truth and the way they interact. We chose a Mishna in Pirkei Avos that says:   “הלל אומר הוי מתלמידיו של אהרן אוהב שלום ורודף שלום אוהב את הבריות ומקרבן לתורה”. This Mishna means “ Hillel said: be like the disciples of Aharon Hacohen- who loved peace, and chased after peace, loved all beings and brought them closer to the torah. ” We learn from this that Aharon Hacohen would twist the truth between a husband and wife,who got into an altercation,  to bring them back together. He would tell one person that the other arguing man wanted to make up with him, but was too afraid to do so. Then Aharon would repeat the message to the other party and the two would make up.

            We made a world to represent the concept that every person is an olam katan, a universe of their own, and Aharon brought peace to all of these worlds.  We used a round board to signify the role shalom plays in enabling the world to keep running and turning around.  A gold olive tree with many branches is placed in the center to represent the many people who were brought together by Aharon Hakohen.  Aharon is symbolized by the white rope tying the branches together, because he was the one who brought harmony to so many individuals.  The rope is white because of Aharon’s purity and kehuna.  Surrounding the tree is a web of black and white strings that are intertwined.  The white represents truth and the black represents lies.  This portrays Aharon’s ability to twist the truth in order to bring fighting people back together.  The board is surrounded by coarse paper because of the challenge and adversity that lead people to fight with each other.  The gold on the tree and surrounding the board represent the shechina that rests on people when they live together in harmony without discord as caused by Aharon Hakohen.

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Video pitch 

Hear from the artists themselves about the inner meaning of their art piece and their reflection on the creative process. 


Assembled Artwork 

Th Final art piece is a conglomeration of materials, colors, and computerized components. 

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Students utilized industry standard 3D modeling software, Fusion 360, to model elements of their artwork. Fusion 360 is a cloud-based 3D modeling software platform for product design and manufacturing. Typically used to design and engineer products to ensure aesthetics, form, fit, and function.

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Take a sneak peak at the sophistication and attention to detail needed to 3D model and print design elements that are scaled to fit the board parameters. 

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