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Gates of Torah 
Ayala Peretz, Kira Neuberg, Sarah Zimmerman

Our names are Ayala, Kira and Sarah.

To represent the harmony between peace and truth we found a pasuk from Zechariah

.אֱמֶת וּמִשְׁצַּט שָׁלבֿם שִׁפְטוּ בְּשַׁעֲרֵיכֶםIt says,  8:16.


This translates into “execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates”.


This represents the harmony of truth and peace because we should always have truth and peace in our judgements. It’s saying that you should always have truth and peace in your gates.


To represent the harmony of Truth and Peace as depicted in our quote we decided to design when we got the Torah at Har Sinai because there was peace and everyone and every animal was quiet and peaceful. Hashem spoke the truth of what would happen. One of the 10 commandments is not to be a false witness. Meaning, to be truthful when you’re being judged.


This was meaningful to us because we got the Torah and now as Jews we can continue to learn about it and follow its rules which bring about truth and peace.

We 3D designed and printed a Torah to be placed on top of Har Sinai.


We decided to use clay, popsicle sticks, a salad bowl, flowers, mini people, cotton balls, and paint. The mountain is an upside down plastic salad bowl. We covered it with clay, then we painted it, and then we covered it with fake grass. THen we hot glued the flowers onto it. Then we placed the Torah next to a figure of Moshe. We put popsicle sticks on top of the Torah and then styrofoam covered with cotton balls for the clouds. The gates are made from popsicle sticks, which are spray painted gold. We glued people to represent Bnei Yisrael around the mountain.


We think the hardest part was making the mountain out of the clay because it was hard to shape the clay to cover the mountain . Also making the cloud stick into Har Sinai was difficult.

We are most proud of how we designed the Torah. We designed it on Tinkercad and we are happy with how it was printed.

gates of torah_4x.png

Video pitch 

Hear from the artists themselves about the inner meaning of their art piece and their reflection on the creative process. 

gates of torah4.PNG

Assembled Artwork 

Th Final art piece is a conglomeration of materials, colors, and computerized components. 

torah1 (1).PNG


Students utilized industry standard 3D modeling software, Fusion 360, to model elements of their artwork. Fusion 360 is a cloud-based 3D modeling software platform for product design and manufacturing. Typically used to design and engineer products to ensure aesthetics, form, fit, and function.



Take a sneak peak at the sophistication and attention to detail needed to 3D model and print design elements that are scaled to fit the board parameters. 

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