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Peaceful Shabbat 
Emily Maines & Brandon Sternthal

Our project is representing a sense of comfort, protection, bonding, and rest during shabbat. We included 3 boxes in our design as the main aspect

that represent safety and protection that we receive from the toxic things like school and work on shabbat and also the stress from the other days of the week. On the bottom of the board surrounding the boxes we added

cotton to add a feeling of warmth and comfort during shabbat. It is also surrounding our boxes giving that extra level of protection to what shabbat brings us. Inside each box we added a different item. We have a

fan representing that breeze you feel when it's the end of the week an shabbat is here. We also included two hands holding to show bonding time that we have with friends and family on shabbat. In the last box we

have a moon lit up with led lights, this shows how the most important part of shabbat is rest and time to destress. The moon shows this by representing night time and the lights make it stand out showing the

importance of rest on shabbat. When the viewer sees our project they can not only have those feelings of shabbat but also be able to have a hands on experience with the sacred time we are showing them. 

Video pitch 

Hear from the artists themselves about the inner meaning of their art piece and their reflection on the creative process. 

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Assembled Artwork 

Th Final art piece is a conglomeration of materials, colors, and computerized components. 

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Students utilized industry standard 3D modeling software, Fusion 360, to model elements of their artwork. Fusion 360 is a cloud-based 3D modeling software platform for product design and manufacturing. Typically used to design and engineer products to ensure aesthetics, form, fit, and function.

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Take a sneak peak at the sophistication and attention to detail needed to 3D model and print design elements that are scaled to fit the board parameters. 

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