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Palace in Time
Galit Chesler, Eliana Gabbaizadeh

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel described Shabbat as a “palace in time.” I decided to create that by building a castle out of shabbat candles. The walls and the towers are made out of shabbat candles and tealights with different color hanukkah candles dripped on for some color. The front has a 3D printed clock face to represent time and it all sits on a cardboard base painted gray. The walls were built by melting each of the candle together to symbolize the sense of community I always feel on Shabbat.

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Video pitch 

Hear from the artists themselves about the inner meaning of their art piece and their reflection on the creative process. 

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Assembled Artwork 

Th Final art piece is a conglomeration of materials, colors, and computerized components. 

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Students utilized industry standard 3D modeling software, Fusion 360, to model elements of their artwork. Fusion 360 is a cloud-based 3D modeling software platform for product design and manufacturing. Typically used to design and engineer products to ensure aesthetics, form, fit, and function.

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Take a sneak peak at the sophistication and attention to detail needed to 3D model and print design elements that are scaled to fit the board parameters. 

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